Brian Cashman Says Arod "Should Just Shut The Fuck Up"

NEW YORKLivid over Alex Rodriguez‘s decision to tweet an update on his rehab process,Yankees general manager Brian Cashman had a message for the third baseman. “You know what, when the Yankees want to announce something, [we will],” Cashman told ESPN New York. “Alex should just shut the f— up. That’s it. I’m going to call Alex now.” Rodriguez tweeted Tuesday that he has been cleared to play in rehab games. Rodriguez’s comments seemed to contradict what Cashman told ESPN New York’s Wallace Matthews on Monday. “Visit from Dr. [Bryan] Kelly over the weekend, who gave me the best news – the green light to play games again!” Rodriguez tweeted. On Monday, Cashman shot down a report that Rodriguez had been given the go-ahead to play in games. “He has not been cleared by our doctors to play in rehab games yet,” he said. “He’s getting closer. There’s no doubt about it. But we don’t have a date for him to start playing games yet. It could be July 1. It could also be July 5, or maybe June 25.” Cashman explained that Dr. Kelly had no jurisdiction over Rodriguez’s rehab once the third baseman left New York to go to Tampa. Dr. Kelly had been approved by the team to perform the surgery and oversee Rodriguez’s recovery in New York.

Well, it only took Cashman about 8 years to say it, but he finally snapped. He’s probably been waiting to say this since the day the Steinbrenners made him sign that second deal for 275 over 10. For every time Arod got caught cheating, every time he put his foot in his mouth, every time he made some bonehead comment, Cashman stayed in Pinstripe Mode and gave the generic Yankee responses he’s pretty much mastered at this point.

But you certainly can’t blame the guy for finally losing it after his cheating, injured, pain in the ass albatross decides to join twitter like a 15 year old chick talking about shit he should be talking about. “Alex should just shut the fuck up.” 7 words that could have changed Arod’s entire career if somebody told them to him back in Seattle.

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