People Who Can Throw A Football 70 Yards And Hit A Baseball 400 Feet: Weird Haircut Seth, Uncle Rico And Zion (According To His Coach)

Now just wait a goddamn minute here. We all know this video:

This is the one that the coach is saying he personally saw. Why was he on the beach tossing a football I’m still not sure. But, I feel like we’ve heard this before. In fact we’ve seen this before too.

Oh, not enough? Well, I remember someone else that threw it over a goddamn mountain before.

I don’t even know what’s a more outrageous statement – the 70 yard throw or 400 foot baseball hit? Zion at least looks like he can chuck a football 70 yards. That’s just being ridiculously strong. But, the 400 foot hit? That takes more than just strength. Not to mention that would be a homer in EVERY MLB stadium. Even in Montreal now too.

Now that Zion isn’t a Knick, I need this to happen. Upstage Deion. Play three sports. Just let him play for the Saints. Let him play for the Braves.

I want to see this in action. I want to believe this. I mean it’s such an outrageous claim that it has to be a fact. There’s no way someone would lie about these numbers. It’s part of what’s making Zion so great. He’s got this godlike aura around him where you can say just about anything him just sounds right.

This video checks out though

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