Chick's Fake Tit Explodes After Laying On Her Stomach For Hours Playing iPhone Game

Watch ya titties girl!

Daily MailA Chinese woman’s breast implant ruptured after lying on her stomach for four hours playing a game on her phone. According to Chinese news reports, the woman from Beijing had been playing the game in bed when she felt a pain in her chest. She was taken to hospital and SZNews reports that a doctor said the low quality of the implant, combined with the pressure of lying on it for an extended period of time, had caused the rupture. The women was apparently playing an iPhone game called Dragon Summon. It is not clear if the woman had the breast implant replaced – she apparently had the surgery to boost her low self-esteem. 

I kinda respect this chick’s dedication to Dragon Summon. Anyone who’s ever been addicted to a video game knows the perils of playing for hours on end like this. The difference is that only dudes are meant to be nerdy gamers like this so they never have to worry about their tits exploding. I mean I can go all the way back to Crystalis on NES and remember the feeling of my eyes burning and my fingers hurting and my head pounding after playing that shit for like 9 straight hours. I was like 7 years old and didn’t know what the fuck I was doing but I was dialed in. It’s just my balls hadn’t dropped yet and I didn’t have tits so I didn’t really have anything to worry about.

Anyway I guess my point here is that there are just some things chicks aren’t born to do and playing video games is one of them.  Tits, real or fake, is too much of a hazard for gaming. Just flaunt your shitty implants so that boys like you and leave the gaming to us virgin losers.

PS – Love the closing line. “She apparently had the surgery to boost her low self-esteem.” Ya think?

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