Good Samaritan Tries To Break Up Subway Fight, Ends Up Pepper Spraying The Whole Car

NY Post – No good deed goes unpunished. A Good Samaritan, who tried to intervene during a domestic dispute on a subway on the Upper East Side yesterday, wound up pepper spraying a brute — and the rest of a subway car — after he got punched in the face, police said. A couple got into a heated argument on an uptown No. 6 train at the 96th Street station at around 4 p.m., and someone alerted the cops of the fight, police said. That’s when the fellow straphanger took matters into his own hands. He tried to break things up only to get sucker-punched in the face by the hotheaded man, cops said. The Samaritan then defended himself by pepper spraying his attacker — and wound up spreading the noxious fumes throughout the subway car, cops said. Authorities evacuated the train. After the air cleared a short time later, passengers were allowed back on. Three passengers, who were overcome by the spray, were taken to St. Lukes Hospital and Lenox Hill Hospital to be treated for minor injuries, police said. During the chaos, the couple who had been fighting slipped out of the train before police arrived. Cops are looking for the unknown attacker in connection with the assault. No arrests had been made as of last night. Police did not charge the do-gooder for releasing the pepper spray on the train.

Hey thanks for vigilante super hero performance, pal. If I’m reading this correctly, you got your ass kicked and then sprayed a ton of innocent commuters with pepper spray. Great work! What kind of dude carries pepper spray anyway? Unless you’re Dark Guardian or Phoenix Jones theres pretty much no excuse. You carry a rape whistle too bro?

Bottom line is, this is a huge violation of the most important rule in the whole world: Never get involved in anybody else’s shit, ever. I promise you, if you follow that rule, the drama in your life will be reduced by about 500%.  A couple of hoodrats wanna beat each others faces in at 96th street? Let em. You won’t end up getting punched in the face and nobody will end up getting pepper sprayed. Don’t help anyone. Don’t save anyone. Don’t ever go the extra mile. Just keep to yourself.

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