Barstool New York Comments Of The Week, Presented By ImTough



Editor’s Note: Goddy77 was supposed to do the comments this week but, just like KFC Radio, he backed out. Goddy77 is quickly morphing into the worst commenter in the league.

First things first, please do not feel like you need to bow down to me and worship at my feet just because I valiantly, heroically and handsomely stepped in to fill the void of a potentially lost top comments blog this week…  And save me the “what kind of loser has the time to do this on an hour’s notice, get a life” rhetoric… it’s called stepping up to rescue a deserted people… plus, I just happen to have way too much free time on my hands… Also, I do not want this incredible effort on my part to in any way sway the tide with the imtough haters… I much prefer being the villain so please ignore how awesome I am and continue to bring the hate…
Now, given that I’ve been asked to magically whip this bitch up in an hour’s time, I assume you will forgive me any possible errors in judgement…  Given the time constraints I’ve had to resort to simply reviewing the top up-voted comments for each blog in order to select the best of the best…
Before we get to the comments, let’s hand out some awards…
“imtough rising star award” goes to @nobody… this isn’t a new username, it means that nobody stepped up to claim this award this week… and it may also mean that I only had one fucking hour (in case you haven’t heard) to put this together so you’re gonna have to take what you get and deal with it…
“imtough dizzy cunt award” goes to @chestacoppapot, one, because he claimed to hack my account and two, because he was mean to me and kinda hurt my feelings… still, not as annoying as last week’s winner… also, it was too bad when I dominated him with this bad boy – @chesta, after a brilliant comment like that what do you do first – up vote yourself or finger your pie hole?
And the “imtough insult of the week award” goes to @mad6986 – sorry about your job imtough from the blog with the fat bastard who got fired for being a fat bastard… I’m clearly fit, trim and toned so this comment struck me as quite humorous…
And, not an award, but the most ridiculous comment / voting of the week took place when @dewiggla asked – who gets laid more often? Thumbs up Wilburham, thumbs down imtough and the votes were 24 for Wilburham and ONLY 7 for me…  7???  preposterous voting right there… I don’t know about Wilburham’s sexual prowess (but with legs like his he must be getting some serious action) but I can confirm that I do, in fact, see my fair share of ‘gina…
Overall, it was a so-so week at the stool… started off very promising with the boobs box thing, KFC’s engagement and the manhunt and subsequent emasculation of @lbjshairline for his idiotic comments about the marathon bombings… but things went south in the second half of the week, just not a lot of top blogging material out there I guess…
A lot of the top comments this week were more noteworthy for their truth than their humor, but sometimes all you need to do is preach the truth to be a top commenter…  Welp, here’s your emergency top 10 NY comments of the week…
10.  Lebron Tells The Media To Get The Fuck Out Of His Face, Wade Declares Himself One Of The Greatest Ever
by Freckles McGee on June 21, 2013 at 10:15 am
He’s a 6’8, 250LB black kid from the inner city. He’s exactly where he’s supposed to be
Ain’t dat da troof…
9.  Eat Pussy Chug Whiskey Hail Satan
by gunghobuttguy on June 18, 2013 at 3:35 pm
just an observation, he eats alot more then pussy.
Still comin’ in hot with the comments… no sophomore slump for this guy…
8.  New Bachelorette Party Trend – Taking Naked Pictures With Your Friends
by applebees on June 18, 2013 at 1:40 pm
kevin when are we getting a ‘wake up with mrs. clancy?’
this is most-likely the next #Neilvolution in the making…
7.  Chinese Toddler Caught By Delivery Men After Falling From A 5th Story Window
by EZBreezey2222 on June 21, 2013 at 9:41 am
only in China, KFC? didnt the exact same thing happen in Brooklyn like yesterday with Torres daughter?
Yes, yes it did… one broke his arm and the other broke her face…
6.  Seeing David Beckham At Shanghai University Looked Fun Minus The Giant Stampede
by esjis on June 20, 2013 at 12:56 pm
We had David Beckham in America for like 4 years and nobody gave a single fuck.
Again, the truth… watches soccer = does anal…
5.  Aaron Hernandez Is Potentially The Worst Murderer Of All Time
by everythingstanks on June 20, 2013 at 9:43 am
How fucking hard is it for these assholes to just sit at home in a pile of cash and fuck a model? jesus Christ
Sad state of affairs for the Patriots but they don’t even need to start a TE to win the AFC East…
4.  KFC Radio – The Player Haters Ball
by cityofchamps2000s on June 19, 2013 at 12:58 pm
Kevin you are such a fucking idiot if you don’t realize that all the commenters love the stool and shit on you like we would a retarded little brother
I almost cried when I read this… very touching… although I would like to remind people that it’s not cool to use the word “retarded” in your every day vernacular…
3.  Study Shows Growing Number Of Boys Are Injuring Their Dicks From Falling Toilet Seats During Potty Training
by cantgetthestinkout on June 19, 2013 at 10:16 am
I agree. The “you left the seat up!” bitch is beyond fucking stupid. Sorry, honey. Should I leave the front door open so you don’t walk into it? Maybe leave the garage door up so you don’t drive your car through it? Good God. Good thing women have tits and pussies, otherwise they’d all starve.
Never understood this myself… just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal…
2.  Sports Bar In Hot Water For Listing “Needy Fuckin Kids” On Customer’s Receipt
by better0ffdrunk on June 18, 2013 at 2:13 pm
They ordered fried chicken. I have a pretty good idea what kind of kids were behind this.
Racist comments are very popular for some reason…
And the comment of the week goes to…
1.  Fat Chicks Protesting Outside Victoria’s Secret Because They’re Ugly
by graytgatsby on June 18, 2013 at 10:14 am
I’m going to protest outside Victoria’s Secret because their models won’t fuck me.
Yup, these are our… (won’t do it again)

Well, I’m exhausted, just a brutal last hour for me, eyes popping out of my head, emotionally and physically drained…  when the chips are down and other commenters fail to answer the bell, imtough is there to pick up the pieces…  I didn’t ask for this but I sure as hell wasn’t going to abandon the ship when it needed me most…

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