Its That Time Of Year Again..."Who's Your Daddy" DNA Truck Roaming Around NYC


Its June. Almost officially summer. Which mean school is almost out. Things are heating up. Its time to hit the beach. And in New York City that means its time for Puerto Ricans to open the fire hydrants and play in the water while Mommy hits up the mobile DNA truck to find out…”Who’s Your Daddy!”

Nothing, and I mean nothing, is hotter in this city than the whole “Truck” game. Food Trucks absolutely dominate. You can get lobster rolls and cheesesteaks and all sorts of gourmet shit. You can get your hangovers cured with Hangover Heaven Trucks.  And now the DNA testing seems to be an annual thing every summer. So you know what I’m doing? Renting out a big fucking TV and doing it all at once. Come on down to KFC’s Full Service Mobile Truck. Step right up, lay in a big reclining chair, eat a lobster roll, get an IV to cure your hangover, and find out of you got any little bastards running around. Chances are at any given moment you’re gonna want at least 2 out of those 3 things.

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