The Hosts Of 'The View' Are Pissed At Roger Federer And Dominic Thiem For What They Said About Serena Williams And It's Fucking Nonsense
So this has really blown up the last few days and it’s time we all get caught up with the nonsense. A few days ago Serena Williams was knocked out of the French Open by up and coming American Sofia Kenin. The way it works when that happens, as in every sport, is you do a post-match press conference. Dominic Thiem, the fourth ranked male tennis player in the world, was in the middle of his press conference after his victory. Thiem is on the short list of guys who actually have a chance of beating Rafa Nadal this year at Roland Garros. He’s a big deal. He’s awesome.
So what happened when Serena lost? She likely demanded to get her press conference over with and not wait one more second than she had to. The French Open officials then went scrambling and decided to kick Thiem out of his press conference and forced him into a smaller room. He was not happy about it and he had every right to feel that way. This is just disrespectful to Thiem.

Later on Thiem came out and said Serena has a bad personality.
“Even if a junior is in there, every player has to wait. It is a matter of course,” Thiem told Eurosport. “It also shows a bad personality, in my opinion. I am 100% sure (Roger) Federer or (Rafael) Nadal would never do something like that.”
I’ve never liked Serena Williams and I’ve said that many times. The way the media drools over her is insufferable. They make her seem like she can do no wrong. She’s a great tennis player no doubt, and will go down as the best women’s player of all time, but she’s extremely arrogant, disrespectful, and obnoxious constantly. I like her sister, Venus, way more.
The GOAT, Roger Federer, decided to weigh in and of course he was 100% correct.
“He is a male superstar. I don’t know what went wrong, but something went wrong for this to happen,” Federer said. “I think there is, with all the players, always a way to go that, the one who is still in the tournament gets priority. Anyway, that’s how I see it. If I would have lost today against Mayer, I would let Mayer go first or decide when he wants to go to press as he’s got a next match.
“For him it’s just about how in the world did this happen? I don’t think he’s mad at Serena or anybody. I just think it was an unfortunate situation that I thought was funny (and we joked about it just before. That’s why I’m very much aware of what happened, and that’s why we are laughing in the locker room about it now. But in the moment I’m sure I understand his, like, What is going on? It’s a joke. How he said it, it was great. I love his accent. In German, too, by the way, not just in English. And he knows that.” -The Express
Everything he said there is accurate. If Serena had an ounce of grace and respect in her she would have waited and understood the situation because that’s how this works. She didn’t give one fuck about Thiem and thus went along with kicking him out. Now there’s a small chance she was unaware of Thiem getting booted and it was all the officials doing here, but I think believing in that is being naive. Serena knew what was happening way more likely than not.
Now that you’re caught up with the situation, here’s what the talk show ‘The View’ had to say when they heard Thiem and Fed’s comments.
Yeah okay, Whoopi Goldberg. I’m sure you’re waking up at 5am watching all of these matches. I’m sure you’re well aware that Serena Williams hasn’t won a single tournament since 2017. She’s not THE QUEEN anymore, Whoopi. She used to be, no doubt, but she’s not stomping on throats and dominating like in her prime. Serena losing in the 3rd round of a grand slam these days isn’t jaw dropping breaking news. Whoopi probably thinks Serena hasn’t lost all year when in fact she’s actually lost five times.
And to have the NERVE to come at the Swiss Maestro Federer like that and say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Roger Federer should probably be our President. He should be the President of the world. He’s never said a wrong thing in his life. When he speaks, you listen. When Roger speaks, Whoopi should listen and realize she’s wrong. If you’re going to speak on something like this, learn the full story and know what you’re talking about.
And by the way, we’re really going to say Serena doesn’t have a bad personality? I mean did you watch her temper tantrum at the US Open when she lost to Naomi Osaka and refused to admit she was cheating? She tried to get that poor umpire fired for doing his job. Are we just going to forget that whole ordeal? What are we doing here folks?
Chris “Mad Dog” Russo went off on ‘The View’ yesterday and was 100% right.
And hey Whoopi, I know you wouldn’t know who Dominic Thiem was if he fell out of a tree and into your lap, but he’s a GIFTED tennis player who does shit like this on a daily basis. Give the man some respect.