In The Most Bron Bron Way Possible, His Family Ruined Taco Tuesday For An Entire Nation

Well, what in the living fuck is this? I mean here I am enjoying myself only to find out Taco Tuesday is fucking ruined forever. This is all I’ll be able to think about when it’s Tuesday and tacos are being made. That stupid voice (actually rather offensive?).  That stupid face. The yelling. His son who he needs to take more control over apparently:

That fucking SIKE yell really gets under my skin. Hey, Bron, there was a massive story that dropped earlier in the day that threw your entire franchise under the bus. Maybe take it low for a night? Oh, wait. You can’t. You have to sit here and scream and yell into the phone about Taco Tuesday.

So thanks a lot LeBron. You ruined Taco Tuesday not just for me and my family but for all of America, for everyone’s families. I hope he’s happy. Those 30 seconds is something he can’t undo. I fully expect an apology video for the voices and the video.

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