CJ McCollum Should Challenge Skip Bayless To Fight In The Next Rough N' Rowdy

I didn’t know I needed a CJ McCollum/Skip Bayless beef but now that it’s here I don’t know how I lived without it. We all know Skip says outrageous things, he’s built an empire on that very premise. There are few better than him at making something out of nothing, but I will ALWAYS love when athletes clap back. It’s been well documented how butthurt Skip is over the success of Kawhi Leonard, and it was only a matter of time before someone called him out on his bullshit and I see no reason why CJ couldn’t be that guy. I mean his original dig at Kawhi in an attempt to diminish the run he is currently on was classic Skip and really just downright pathetic.

Of course, this is all what Skip wants but I love that CJ doesn’t give a shit. You heard the man, he has time on his hands so he may as well have some fun. What I respect about CJ was his willingness to be truly transparent. Taking responsibility about disappearing in the 4th certainly isn’t false, but I enjoyed the nice save by referencing Skips 1.4 ppg career average. We don’t talk about that enough I feel like and it makes Skips routine even more hilarious. To be honest McCollum has actually been a pretty lights out playoff performer since he became a regular rotation player for POR

and yeah he had some bad fourth quarters against the Warriors, but shit happens. All I know is I am very much here for NBA players going public and clowning on these talking heads whenever they put out bullshit. I know the best thing to do is just ignore it all, but we all know that’s just not possible. The best part about these instances when players clown on Skip is they’ll always come out on top and who doesn’t enjoy a good dunking on Skips head.

It’s not just them two though. Remember last week when Max Kellerman said Harden wasn’t All NBA 1st team worthy? Well that had the type of reaction from players you would tend to expect

All I’m wishing for now is that CJ doesn’t go on Undisputed and instead just challenges Skip to fight in Rough N’ Rowdy. He’s a friend of the program here and you heard him he has all the time in the world this offseason. We can all agree it feel like that’s really the only way to settle this.

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