And the Pussification of America Continues: Cornell Frat Forced To Change Name of "Best Jugs" Fundraiser Because Feminists Are Fucking Batshit Crazy

“Look at those jugs!  Excuse me…I got to rape a bitch now!”


Cornell Sun – The title of a philanthropic event held this week by the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, in collaboration with all 12 Cornell sororities, caused some students, professors and administrators to criticize what they called its sexist overtones and resulted in the fraternity changing the name of the event. The event –– which was advertised with the title “Which Sorority Has the Best Water Jugs on Campus” –– encouraged each sorority to decorate a large water jug, which was then displayed Monday in the Robert Purcell Community Center and the Terrace Restaurant in the Statler Hotel. Passersby were encouraged to choose their favorite water jug and drop change into it to benefit Pi Kappa Phi’s philanthropic organization, Push America, which is dedicated to serving individuals with disabilities. On Monday morning, the row of sorority “jugs” was on display in the Terrace lobby, along with signs announcing the “jugs”-themed event. However, on Monday afternoon, the name of the event was changed to “Penny Wars” after some students and administrators expressed reservations about the title’s derogatory implications.

Some professors, students and members of the Women’s Resource Center also criticized the philanthropy event within the context of reports of sexual violence on campus. Ashley Harrington ’13, a member of the Women’s Resource Center advisory board, said the event’s name was unacceptable in its implied objectification of the women in each sorority. “Jugs become what these brilliant, beautiful, talented women are relegated to,” Harrington said. “It becomes even worse when money is involved. The better the sorority’s jugs, the more money they get for their philanthropy. In this [way], women become a commodity masked in the name of philanthropy.” Prof. Mary K. McCullough, feminist, gender and sexuality studies, similarly denounced the event as “pretty much straight-up juvenile and offensive,” but said she would have simply dismissed it as silly if not for her concerns about the event’s latent sexual implications. She added that the presentation of women as only the sum of their body parts, even if no offense is intended, can contribute to a sexually violent culture.“If you don’t think of women as complicated individuals with minds and bodies and spirits, then its easier to do things to them,” she said. “There are philanthropic efforts all over the world that don’t rely on racist or sexist or homophobic humor.”

What planet am I on? What are we even talking about here? We talking about practice? Hey assholes this is a fucking charity event. They are raising money for a good cause. We are talking about water jugs here. How does water jugs contribute to a sexually violent culture? How is this offensive? Is this professor really making the argument that by seeing a water jug guys will think women are actually inanimate objects and hence it’s easier to basically rape them? I think that’s what she’s saying right? Unbelievable. I swear these feminists are so far off the fucking reservation it’s not even funny. I mean they literally have lost all touch with reality. And the scariest part is they keep getting their way.  Society keeps rewarding them for stomping their feet and screaming like little bitches till they get their way. Like the fact this charity actually changed their name makes me want to puke. Enough already! Do these wackballs realize how badly they are hurting real women’s advocacy causes? That by making a federal investigation out of issues like these they are trivializing real issues. That they make all feminists seem like they just escaped from the looney bin? Just shut the fuck up. Go suck a dick and enough life for once. It’s a fucking water jug!

PS – This is a quick shout out to Swampscott High Class of 95. Remember Penny Wars? Shit was the most intense week in the history of high school. Motherfuckers getting beaten up. Motherfuckers dropping hundos in our bucket to keep our class from winning. No dice. SHS athletics are back alive thanks to the class of 95.

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