Marcus Stroman Is Dunking On Everyone Via Twitter

Marcus Stroman has always been known as a competitor dating all the way back to his high school days at Patchougue Medford.  A lot of people on the internet come at him for showing emotion when he pitches and especially when he hits his famous move the shimmy.

I am going to get straight to the point. Who gives a fuck if he plays with emotion and comes off the mound dancing after he gets a big out. To be completely honest get a hit if you have a problem with it. I played baseball all my life, if I saw him shimmy after he strikes me out yeah I would be pissed but that would motivate me to get him my next at bat. And that my friends is called sports. We need more players like Marcus who make the game more interesting for new fans of the game. There is nothing better in baseball when a guy pimps a home run so why can’t a pitcher get fired up after a big out. When you ask about memorable home runs Jose Bautista pimp job comes up first because it was so god damn cool. Fuck the etiquette of the game.  Do we want to teach younger baseball players to care about there craft on the mound. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down.

The best thing about Marcus is that he doesn’t get salty when a hitter takes him deep and shimmys on him. We all need to stop being babies about every little thing someone does that isn’t by the book. Baseball is a boring sport so it’s nice to see some excitement and people look forward to see him pitch. I also like how he comes at these topics on twitter because it just shows he is human.

The main thing about all of this is that we all need to lighten up. Touchdown celebrations are fantastic, When a golfer goes nuts after a big birdie, hockey goal celebrations etc . Lets make baseball fun again and let these players show emotion and go at each other. As fans I can’t see how you could not want this.

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