David Wright Hits Home Run For Mets Fan, Gives Him A Hug After Beating The Yankees Last Night

NJ.com - David Wright hugs Max Rubin, of New York, after the game as the New York Mets host the New York Yankees. Max had told Wright to hit a home run before his at bat in the 7th inning and Wright ended up hitting the game-tying home run, then came over to give him a hug after the game. Queens, NY 5/27/13

Captain America doing it right last night. Nice to see a dude who just gets it. David Wright has literally never done anything wrong. He plays his ass off, always says the right thing, always does the right thing. Plays for the worst owners in the world and suffered through multiple collapses and endless disappointment and never loses his cool. Leads his team on and off the field. He signed a 160 million dollar deal and has an absolute smokebomb fiance and still one of the most humble guys out there. Treats fans like gold and this move last night was the ultimate example.

Arod probably would have charged this kid 50 bucks for a hug and dropped an R-Word in his face.

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