Bynes Delivers An A+ Mugshot, Shows Up To Court In A Platinum Wig

TMZ – Amanda Bynes has just arrived to court to face a judge about her bong-throwing arrest in NYC last night … sporting the same clothes and platinum blonde wig she was wearing last night. Bynes was led into the courtroom in handcuffs … after spending the night in jail … and asked photogs not to shoot her as she tried to hide her face. As we previously reported, Bynes was booked for marijuana possession, tampering with evidence and reckless endangerment after cops say she chucked a glass bong out of her apartment window.


BYNES! So last night I was out in Boston watching the Bruins/Rangers game and my phone died right in the middle of the Bynes arrest. Top 5 most disappointing moment of my life not being able to blog and tweet about it as shit went down. It’s was like missing a game 7 or a perfect game or something. Just awful timing. I am Bynes’ number 1 stalker and I was helpless. Her most important meltdown moment to date and I was lost.

So now here we are today – Bynes showing up to court like its goddam Halloween. There are certain levels of not giving a fuck and Bynes has checked all of them off. Tweeting pics of her nipples and openly talking about her vagina being murdered. Transforming into a black woman. Throwing bongs out windows. Now making a mockery of the justice system. She literally does whatever she wants at all hours of the day regardless of the situation. It’s Bynes’ delusional alternate universe and we’re just living in it.

PS- Bynes is officially smack in the middle of a Stage 4 Meltdown. Once the arrests start piling up its Lohan territory. All that’s left for her to do now is take her place in the history books and create a Stage 5 meltdown. It’s almost like when people keep asking “who’s the next Jordan?” and now Lebron has a chance to eclipse him. There’s no reason Bynes can’t be the craziest of all time.

UPDATE: TMZ Says this is the real mugshot

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