Wesleyan Holds Senior Cocktails Night In a Science Museum.... The Whole Sex, Drugs, Riding the Dinosour Exhibit Didn't Go Over Well
Wesleyan students kicked out of museum for sex and drugs
MIDDLETOWN, Conn. (WTNH) – Things got a little out of hand for a group of Wesleyan seniors at the Connecticut Science Center. They say they got kicked out after being there just a few hours. Sex and drugs are just some of the things that allegedly got Wesleyan seniors kicked out of a science museum. As college comes to a close, Wesleyan University seniors plan several events to bring the class together. “It’s a fun atmosphere. You’re with your entire class, it’s always supposed to be a good time,” said senior Kaya Ceci.The parties are called senior cocktails and usually happen at a bar but last week’s event was held at the Connecticut science center and it did not go well. These seniors were there…
“Spilling alcoholic beverages,” said senior Andrew Pfiffer. “Just way too much expensive equipment to have around some crazy college people.”
Students tell us the science center shindig lasted less than 2 hours. Students were allegedly found doing drugs and having sex in bathrooms. At least one senior allegedly climbed a dinosaur exhibit and there are reports of vomiting off of a flight of stairs.
Still, students say don’t blame them, blame poor planning.”It was kind of a questionable plan to bring a bunch of people to a science museum where there is definitely drinking going on,” said Charlie Smith. “Apparently they’ve done other events in the past before and stuff and the events were for other age groups and then you put a bunch of students as opposed to AARP members, you’re going to get a different reaction,” said Christopher Caines.”It was a bad idea and I am sorry to the staff of the science center,” said Pfiffer.
This is kind of like that Tufts story from yesterday. I’m still kind of shocked that colleges have events like these. Maybe it’s because I went to a big school where people didn’t hold your hand and throw class dances so everybody could meet each other. If we wanted to raise class spirit we went out and won a national championship in football and then rioted in the streets. But I digress. How fucking stupid are the people running these things? Oh in hindsight having Senior Cocktails in a museum wasn’t a smart idea? Gee ya think? That would be like me having a Blackout Party in a china shop. I mean for all the pussification stories we get nowadays the fact that colleges keep sponsoring drunk fests in fancy ass places and then being suprised when they don’t go well is wild to me. Honestly how dumb can people be not to see this coming a mile away? Anyway I’m going to say the same thing I yesterday to Tufts. The students should throw their own damn parties and throw them in places where they allow drinking and debauchery and this wouldn’t be an issue.
PS – Wesleyan really isn’t an all girls school? Are we 100% sure on that?