Fuck Game Of Thrones, Steak 'N Shake Is Going Out Of Business


No no no, this can’t be happening. According to Yahoo, Steak ‘N Shake owes $7.7 million after 286 store managers claimed they had worked 50-70-hour weeks without overtime pay. 

You don’t understand, and I don’t care if you do. Steak ‘N Shake is the greatest fast food chain in the universe. This is the place to be at after a high school football games, after hotboxing in a parking lot, after the bars, for a midnight meal, literally, any occasion! Where else can you get 20 meals under $4!? As Big Ev would say, “This place slaps differently”.

Now, I will say that this news doesn’t surprise me. I was back in Indy 2 weeks ago and drove past a couple of these fine establishments seemed to be closed for good.


“I hope this place doesn’t shut down for good” I mumbled to myself. Sure enough, here we are. I put my dog down 2 years ago, I think my first crush is getting married here soon (dude’s a lawyer, go figure), and now this happens. My childhood is over. Oh, and now Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are both gone too.

I don’t recommend being 22 years old, but I do recommend trying Steak N Shake before its buried next to Toys “R” US.P.S. If you are a first timer, get the Frisco Melt or a Triple Steakburger with just cheese, fries, cheese sauce on the side, and a Lemonade with no Ice. Go after 11pm too, the lunch experience is nowhere close to the late-night hours.

Steak ‘N Shake, LimeWire and Disc Replay as the greatest services this nation will ever know. If you don’t know Disc Replay, it’s a video game store where every new game or system is damn near half the price at a Walmart or Best Buy. It’s what GameStop should be.

On God, I’m going to miss this place more than when my Grandma passes away. She’s gotten to the age where she doesn’t recognize me anymore, which is sad. But the manager at the Fishers, Indiana location always remembers me. So, I’ll miss him and the chain. Unless Elon Musk pulls $7 million out of his cheeks, goodbye Steak ‘N Shake. I’ll miss your meat.

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