Alcohol Free Bar In Michigan Opens To A Packed Crowd. What The Hell?


(Source) Nic Sims has long yearned for a bar where non-drinkers could have a fun night out in Ann Arbor. This week, she’s taking matters into her own hands and creating that space herself. Sims, a former chef turned digital marketing director, is launching a pop-up dry bar on Friday night at Mighty Good Coffee (217 N. Main St.). What’s a dry bar, you ask? The simple answer is that it’s a bar that doesn’t serve alcoholic drinks.

“It’s an alcohol-free place for conversation and connection,” explained Sims. “I haven’t had a drink in 20 years, and I know a lot of people who don’t drink. I love to go out on a weekend, but not in a bar. I wanted a bar-like convivial atmosphere, with snacks and drinks and conversation, without it being a bar.” Ultimately, Sims is hoping that Brillig Dry Bar can be a regular event, with poetry slams, game nights and live music. For now, she’ll be operating it as a pop-up at Mighty Good Coffee, a cafe operated by her husband, David Myers. The dry bar will take over the space when Mighty Good closes at 6 p.m.

“We have the space, and we need to make it work harder for us,” said Sims. “He’s day and I’m night.” The bar will offer a variety of hand-crafted non-alcoholic cocktails like egg creams, a pomegranate-rosemary soda, wassail, a Vernors cranberry sour, pumpkin chiller and coffee drinks from the Mighty Good Coffee menu, as well as cheese or meat snack trays and other small bites.




I’m confused. This is just an ice cream store? Is that what it is? Or is it a mini deli? Because this whole alcohol free bar thing makes zero sense to me. What do you do? Just talk to people but like sober? I’m honestly asking because I fundamentally don’t get this. You show up and a bunch of strangers are there and you all stand around and talk? HA, k lady, you may say you’re not drunk but I’m pretty sure you are. Do you also do sober sex? Gross. Seriously, who the fuck leaves their house on the weekends to do anything besides go out to dinner or get drunk. Just such a weird foreign concept that I feel like I’m being punk’d. There must be drugs in those drinks or something. Like when Jerry and Elaine get hooked on the non fat yogurt even though it has fat in it. Open up an alcohol free bar, slip people some molly then have everyone think they had the greatest time ever. Savvy business move lady. I’m on to your shit. Alcohol free bar, Great idea *WINK*.




Obviously to each their own but this sentence seriously sounds like the worst time ever. You just sit and talk? The fuck is that all about?


“It’s an alcohol-free place for conversation and connection,”

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