The "Ron Artest Says 'Survive The Wave'" Game 6 Live Blog!


Preach Ron Ron! Preach! I think? I think he’s being positive? Not really sure. The man is a stark raving lunatic. Having an anchor on your balls doesn’t sound that good but bottom line is if the Knicks win tonight they will win at the Garden in 7. George Hill is back in the lineup and the Knicks haven’t won yet in Indiana this season, so it won’t be easy. But lets be honest – if you let a team beat you 5 straight times on their home court and can’t muster up enough balls to win once on the road, you don’t deserve to advance anyway. God willing Mike Woodson sticks with the Game 5 game plan and they ride this little burst of momentum to a W tonight. Because Game 7 at home is a lock.

Follow me on twitter to discuss tonights game with me and the rest of the Stoolies – @KFCBarstool

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