Hero Ball: South Korean Airman Arrested For Going AWOL To Watch Avengers: Endgame

Daily Mail

A South Korean airman reportedly went AWOL and crept off to watch the new Avengers film. The unnamed member of military personnel slipped away from his colleagues to visit a movie theater to see Avengers: Endgame.

According to local media the man was enlisted in the Republic of Korea Air Force in South Korea when he went missing. A group of 18 soldiers with the 20th Fighter Wing left their base yesterday for public service duty, but one of the troops disappeared, according to South Korean TV station Wow TV.

He was reportedly tracked down by military police who found a taxi driver who described how he dropped off a trooper at a nearby cinema.

The airman is now under investigation by the military for taking the unauthorized leave.

I’m not going to lie, I love this move. Listen, it’s bad enough you’re in the South Korean army where you constantly have to deal with….living in South Korea. Then you have to battle with those crazy motherfuckers from North Korea whenever they decide they want to blow up the world. Life is stressful and when the biggest movie in the world’s history comes out, you may decide to sneak off to relax for three hours. Was it a move that had a zero percent chance of working out? Of course, but life is all about taking chances, even if you’re 100% going to be caught. It’s people like this man who are going to help us take down Avatar for the highest grossing movie of all time.

He immediately admitted to going AWOL and was arrested after the movie ended. At least they waited for it to end, tip of the cap to the South Korean police. The airman was pretty straight forward with his confession, seems like an honest, no-harm-intended fella.

 ‘I wanted to see the Avengers movie so I ran away from the site while we were standing by.’

Hopefully they don’t go too hard on the guy, I feel like a lot of people have done way worse when going AWOL. I will say, he’s lucky he isn’t from North Korea. They chop your head off and send it to your parents if you pull this shit.

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