Mike Woodson Living Up To His Reputation, And That Ain't A Good Thing

Obviously the players on the court aren’t getting the job done in this series. Carmelo has struggled. Tyson Chandler looks like a shell of his former self. (Remember the Tyson Chandler that had 25 rebounds at the Garden against Steph Curry and the Warriors?) Felton hasn’t been effective. The list goes on and on.

But Mike Woodson needs to shoulder some of the blame here. Dude has been absolutely atrocious in the playoffs. Jason Kidd was 0-15 and scoreless for seven straight games. How do you stick with a 40 year old who is clearly out of gas. Sticking with Kenyon Martin and Amare as both guys show absolutely zero ability on the offensive end of the court. FINALLY gives in and puts in Chris Copeland. Guy immediately drains a three, cuts the lead to like 8, and the next possession is taken out of the game. Stubborn doesn’t even begin to describe his bullshit lineups.

I’ve said all series that you gotta ride the got you there and the Knicks needed Carmelo to play like a superstar to carry them. And I still believe thats the case. But seeing your head coach just stand there on the sidelines with that clueless look on his face as he refuses to make any sort of adjustment with everyone else on the floor as the ship is sinking is as frustrating as it gets.

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