Chandler, Carmelo Bickering About Knicks Offensive Woes

NY Post –  Carmelo Anthony seemed perplexed by comments made by Tyson Chandler that the club is not sharing the ball enough. The Knicks’ offense was woeful Saturday as they scored 71 points and shot 35 percent in the Game 3 loss to the Pacers. Chandler made critical comments about the club’s offensive mindset at Sunday’s practice. He also ripped the team Saturday night after the loss, saying the club is “not following the game plan’’ on defense in terms of helping him with center Roy Hibbert. After Monday’s early practice, Anthony said, “I don’t want to go back and forth with that. I don’t know exactly what he’s talking about. But if he feels that way, we’re about to get together right now amongst ourselves and figure that out and get his take and perspective on that comment. We’ll handle that internally and figure it out among ourselves.’’ Anthony said everything looks bad when shots are not falling. Sunday, Chandler said, “Honestly, I think we’re doing it to ourselves. I watched the tape myself and there’s open looks. We have to be willing passers. You have to sacrifice yourself sometimes for the betterment of the team, for the betterment of your teammates. When you drive in the paint and you draw, you kick it. I think we need to do a better job of allowing the game to dictate who takes the shots and not the individuals.” Anthony took three shots in the fourth quarter and 16 in the game, so Chandler could have been referring to J.R. Smith (4 for 12 from floor in Game 3). “I’m not saying that anybody’s doing it maliciously,’’ Chandler said. “I think it’s more so you get in a situation where you want to take over the game or you want to make a big shot, where you have to just stick to the game-plan. Good teams win basketball games, unless you’re a great, great, great, great individual.” Woodson said it’s good Chandler aired the criticism publicly about the offensive flow, saying it is something that sometimes is needed. “I don’t get mad at things like that,” Woodson said. “When there’s bickering among each other it’s pretty healthy but I don’t mean to call it bickering. It’s being a good teammate.”

Well, here we go. Aside from that game 2 win this series, the Knicks have looked awful. Game 3 was so bad it was almost unwatchable. And when things are going that poorly, some frustration is gonna boil over. I understand that somewhere, deep down, Tyson Chandler probably despises the way Carmelo and JR Smith play. Chandler has always been an unselfish type of team player. Defensive minded. Do whatever it takes to win. When you see Melo missing 15+ shots a night and seemingly making zero adjustments, its gotta eat him up. It drives me insane. It kills anyone who likes any sort of traditional winning basketball.

But the problem I have with Chandler making these comments now is A) Its too late. Can’t start this fight in the middle of the post season and B) Chandler has been absolutely awful this series. Its not the time or the place, and when you’re out there putting up like 5 points and 3 boards getting worked by Hibbert, you’re in no position to talk any shit.

I know I sound like a broken record, but the Knicks style of play is feast or famine. They’re either incredibly hot or incredibly cold. They started the season scorching. Had a putrid run in the middle of the season where they were barely above .500. Finished the season as hot as can be. Right now, they’re cold as ice. You gotta tip your cap to the Pacers D – I’m not gonna be one of these guys who’s claiming that the Knicks are “beating themselves” and has nothing to do with the other team’s play. But if the Knicks play even decent basketball they can beat the Pacers. Problem is, they don’t have that middle ground. Its all or nothing. They seem completely incapable of grinding out Ws when they don’t have their A-Game on any given night. Of course making in game adjustments are part of any professional team’s game plan – but Chandler’s comments are more about the broad culture of the way the Knicks are comprised. There’s no changing that now. Just have to hope that Carmelo get’s back to playing like a “great, great, great, great individual.” There’s no other way for this team to win.

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