Woodstock 50 Has Been Cancelled

Woodstock 50 has been cancelled. Earlier today officials with Dentsu Aegis Network, which is funding the festival, released the following statement to Billboard:

“It’s a dream for agencies to work with iconic brands and to be associated with meaningful movements. We have a strong history of producing experiences that bring people together around common interests and causes which is why we chose to be a part of the Woodstock 50th Anniversary Festival. But despite our tremendous investment of time, effort and commitment, we don’t believe the production of the festival can be executed as an event worthy of the Woodstock Brand name while also ensuring the health and safety of the artists, partners and attendees.”

The statement goes on, “As a result and after careful consideration, Dentsu Aegis Network’s Amplifi Live, a partner of Woodstock 50, has decided to cancel the festival. As difficult as it is, we believe this is the most prudent decision for all parties involved.”

Aw damn! I was actually really looking forward to Woodstock 50, but it seems we might’ve had another Fyre Fest situation on our hands with it, so I guess this cancellation is a blessing in disguise. They DEFINITELY don’t want a repeat of Woodstock ’99, which was the biggest shit show ever, and – wait a minute. I’m receiving transmissions across the wire that Woodstock 50 is not cancelled. TMZ says…

Worth noting … the promoter, Michael Lang, does not agree Woodstock 50 is sunk. He tells us Dentsu’s announcement was a “complete surprise,” but adds … they’re not giving up on the festival yet.







Seriously, though, this is fucking hilarious. Investors are down like $30mil and pulled the plug when they realized there’s no fucking way you could put together a Woodstock Festival in 2019, and the guy running it is like “Nah, it’s still on! We’re good! Everyone remain calm!”

Oh, festival promoters. Never change.

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