I Freakin Love The Bruins New Anthem Singer

I didn’t know what to expect when our beloved Rene Rancourt left us. I grew up with Rene. All I have ever known was Rene. That all changed until Todd Angilly came into my life. Angilly is the new Bruins anthem singer who also is a bartender in the Sports Desk during the games and absolutely murders it every time he takes center stage.

Angilly has got some pipes there is obviously no questioning that, but the guy just screams Boston. He’s the perfect representation of the city and all the hard-working people who live there. Just a blue collar, hard working, drink slingin opera singer. We are talking about a guy who works three jobs! Does it get more blue collar than that? He spends his days as a probation officer just wanting to keep the city of Boston safe then at night time becomes the man we all know and love.

Losing Rene Rancourt sucked, but I’m ALL in on Todd.

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