Kevin Durant Is Tearing The Clippers A New One With 38 First Half Points

Call me crazy, but going for 38 points 23 first half minutes is pretty impressive stuff. Ties Barkley for the most all time, which he did against the Warriors believe it or not. For this performance to come in a closeout game is even more impressive. I’m not sure what the Clippers strategy was heading into the game, I know Doc isn’t exactly an X and Os kind of coach, but I would think the halftime adjustment would be to maybe cover that Durant fella. Not that it matters though, even if you have your hand literally covering his face Durant is still knocking down whatever he throws up.

He’s in that zone right now that every basketball player dreams of experiencing. There is no doubt in my mind every time he lets it fly he is 100% positive it’s going in, and seeing as how he went 12-17 in that first half that’s basically what happened. The Clippers had a chance there for a minute with things only a 4 point lead heading into the second quarter, but boy did things escalate quickly. The good news is they don’t have to start worrying until they get down at least 32 points, and who knows Steph may have tweaked his ankle so maybe there’s still hope. We’ve seen them go on big second half runs before, and as Doc says they’re roaches and you can’t kill em.

Or ya know, Durant is going to drop 80 and we’ll be onto GS/HOU.

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