This Stings Just As Much Even After Winning The Cup

It stings, man. It stings. After winning the Cup, the Caps grinded out an awesome regular season, winning the Metro again. It felt just like last year. Same team. Same energy. And we just couldn’t do it vs the Canes. I gotta hand it to them real quick, they were so much better than I thought they would be. The Caps played them twice in the final week of the regular season and handled both games pretty easily. And then the Canes turned it up a notch in the playoffs and looked like a whole new team.

Tonight was brutal. Went up 2-0 and then 3-2 and couldn’t close. So many chances, but couldn’t finish them.

I didn’t know this feeling would suck just as much as before winning the Cup. You just start over and want it all over again. Sigh. What a run last year. Thought we’d see something similar this season, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

I hate the offseason.

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