Flaming Absinthe Shot Goes Well For This Dude In Russia

Aaaah I’m drinking flaming absinthe! Take a good picture honey, I’M DEAD!

Huff PoThis party trick really blew up in his face. Alexey Ponamarev, 28, said he’s planning to sue bartender Albert Bykov, 34, after the barman poured a flaming shot that ended up spilling out of his mouth and lighting his face on fire Sunday night, according to the Sun. The incident took place at Harat bar in Novosibirsk, Russia. Video of the incident, posted on Russia’s Life News can be seen above. Ponamarev was reportedly rushed to the hospital with severe burns, according to the site. Bykov blamed Ponamarev for the stunt gone-wrong. “I usually carry it out with Sambuca but the guest insisted that I try the absinthe version and the guest is always right – but unfortunately it had negative consequences for him,” Ponamarev said, according to the Sun.

Customer service at its finest! If he insists on having flaming absinthe lava poured down his face and into his ear, then so be it. The guest is always right!

I have never ever understood people who do stupid ass shots like these. Flaming Dr. Pepper and 151 and all that shit. No fucking thank you. I’ll stick to Bud Lights and girly vodka and the occasional shot of Jameson. Lower my inhibitions so I can talk to girls and drink away the fact that I’ve become a 28 year old man-boy. And then finish the night off with a slice of buffalo chicken pizza because I’m still able to eat because I didn’t turn into Ghost Rider by giving myself a fiery facial of absinthe. But you keep doing you, Russia.

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