Damian Lillard Won't Leave Russell Westbrook Alone, Continues To Talk That Shit On Instagram

Damian please! The man is already dead! Honestly I’m not sure there is a person on the planet having a better 24 hours than Lillard and I’m so happy this is happening in 2019 because there’s nothing better than NBA players taking to social media to continue to talk shit just hours after driving a dagger through the heart of an entire franchise and clowning their best player. I think we all agree that Dame won the battle with Westbrook, the internet is talking about how he may be the 2nd best point guard in the entire NBA right now, things couldn’t be going better. But you know that beef is something real because Dame just won’t let it go. He may as well have tagged him in this post because everyone knows who he’s talking about right here. This isn’t a case of Lillard being a keyboard warrior either, this man is from Oakland and is in no way soft. That’s why I’m enjoying him talking all this shit because you know if there was ever an opportunity to back it up Dame would have no problem saying it to his face and seeing what happens. As he told Chris Haynes, he ain’t no bitch ass motherfucker.

That quote does fit Dame perfectly though. If you watched him throughout the whole series he wasn’t overly emotional, he had this blank stare and killer mentality the whole way through. Even when he went on his personal tear in Game 4, he never cracked a smile. He never overreacted to the media in any of his postgame press conferences, he never took the bait or anything like that. He stayed driven and quiet and let his play do the talking. It’s impossible to not love Lillard after watching what he just accomplished, and seeing as how he’s willing to talk that shit makes me love him even more.

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