Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher

OhioAn Austintown woman on leave as Windham School District superintendent was arraigned Monday in Portage County Common Pleas Court after she was indicted on charges of sexual misconduct with two students.

Laura Amero, 35, is charged with two counts of sexual battery, two counts of attempted sexual battery, all felonies, and two counts of intimidation of a victim or witness to a crime, misdemeanors.

The grand jury handed up its indictment Friday against Amero. She is on paid administrative leave as superintendent, a job she took in February.

The charges state that Amero, in her official capacity as an employee of Windham schools, had sex twice with the same student who was 16 at the time between Feb. 24 and May 24, 2017.

She is also accused of trying to have sex with another student who was also 16 at the time between Sept. 1, 2015, and May 1, 2016.

The intimidation charges state she tried to get a witness to change his or her testimony. …

She joined Windham schools in 2015 and was a junior-senior high-school principal before taking over as superintendent.

If it feels like every time there’s a new one of these the lady in question is making Sex Scandal Teacher history, you’re not far off the mark. We’ve been graced with many school administrators over the years. Principals. Assistant principals. Guidance counselors. Nurses. Lunch ladies. But until Laura Amero came along, we’d never before had a school superintendent.

So this is truly ground-breaking. And it’s something to be celebrated. Not that having a female school superintendent is all that news worthy. I’m sure that given the fact most teachers are female, that many of them have ascended to the position. But as far as we know, Laura is the first SST to shatter that glass ceiling. And for that, we can all celebrate. It’s important that the person running a school district be able to relate to everybody placed in her charge. Not just the politicians, the budget people, the parent’s associations. But the rank and file as well. Because she’s been there.

She’s walked in their stylish but comfortable shoes. She’s spent her own money on classroom supplies. She’s dealt with the troubled students face-to-face. She’s talked to that parent who’s struggling to make ends meet. She’s banged that 16-year-old and struck out trying to bang another. That’s what makes a great superintendent. Someone who can relate on a personal level to all, from the custodian to the kindergarten kid, from the valedictorian all the way up to the deranged, sex-crazed horndog high school teacher. Congratulations, Ms. Amero. You’ve given hope to a generation of Sex Scandal Teachers that there is no limit to what they can achieve.

The Grades:
Looks: She’s so close. Just so, so close to being really attractive. A couple of strands of DNA moved here or there and we might really have something. I’m not saying I wouldn’t. I most certainly would and so would you. But that’s not how a great 35-year-old SST looks. The stress of being superintendent must age you like it does all the Presidents.
Grade: C+

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: So let me get this straight: She did it twice with one kid and got nowhere with the other? So that’s two times total with two kids, for an average of 1.0 per student. Which is fine for a principal, I guess. But really not much to shout about when you’ve got regular teachers scoring them by the dozens. According to one news report she’d only been in her new position for a matter of weeks, so maybe she was poised for true greatness. But all I can go by is her resume. So a relatively disappointing:
Grade: B-

Intangibles: Laura Amero: Truly putting the “super” in superintendent.
Grade: A

Overall: B. We’ve probably found our 2019 Starting Lineup’s manager.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.

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