Seth Curry May Be Psychic After Talking A Whole Bunch Of Shit To The Thunder Bench Right Before The Game Winner

A lot will rightfully be made about Dame’s game winner, but lost in all that hysteria is this little sequence from Seth Curry. I think I may like this more than the actual shot if we’re being honest. If there’s one person who knows a thing or two about being able to tell when someone is about to make a 40 footer, it’s Seth Curry. He’s seen his brother do this shit his whole life and you could tell right away he knew what was about to happen. You see him tell every single member of the OKC bench that Dame is about to end their season proving he knew it was a wrap before we even got close to the shot. Maybe he knew that Dame shoots 39% from 30-40ft, maybe he knew that 66% of his career series wins have come on this type of play and that he’s tied with MJ for the most series ending game winners, maybe he knew that Dame was locked in and there was nothing the Thunder could do but go home and cry. Honestly, I feel like this is something we would see his brother do. Like if Durant had the ball as the clock was winding down and Curry was a decoy in the corner he is 100% talking shit to the opposing team’s bench. Which begs the question, is there a chance Seth is slowly morphing into a Steph-Lite type player? I mean he already shot better percentage wise from three (45.6%) and now he’s getting into the talking shit game? I can get behind that.

If you’re not the one who actually made the game winner, this feeling has to be the next best thing. Think about your everyday life, how good does it feel when you talk shit to someone, usually on Twitter, and things unfold exactly how you predicted? That’s a high we all chase, you feel like the fucking man. That stare that Curry gave immediately following that shot is something every single person who has ever talked shit can relate to. Sure he only had 7 points on 3-8 shooting, but do you think that matters in that situation? These poor Thunder players, it’s already embarrassing enough to be sent home in the first round for the third straight year, but having Seth Curry of all people rub salt on that wound is rough.

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