Stella The Dog Is Having A DAY Playing Fetch In A Giant Leaf Pile


Get it, Stella! There was nothing more primal and fun as a kid than jumping into a huge pile of leaves. Nothing. Maybe knocking over sandcastles if you were that little dick, but that’s it. Having your father yell at you to rake the leaves before he said “Fuck it” and did it himself, then jumping into his bounty of Autumn was pure bliss.

She’s not going to be able to pass inspection with those brakes. Granted, Stella probably played fetch for an equivalent of 20 miles or most likely has a deep seeded neurological issue causing her pins to give away, but it’s still cute. Whenever my legs refuse to go on it’s because they’re as numb as my ex’s heart after a 45 minute shit. Not the same sort of aww. So cute on, Stella. For all of us.

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