Reader Email - Check Out This Kid Chilling In His Cubicle With His Shirt Off Post - Workout
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Does not wearing a shirt at your cubicle after working out get this office hardo layed?
Gotta admit, I love this move. Kid is just putting out the vibe, that’s all. Got everything it takes to be a meathead in one pic.
Sweaty shirt in the foreground. Gallon of water within arm’s reach. A tube of Quaker oatmeal for when you need some clean carb energy. Dude is a man and he’s not afraid to admit it. Sometimes after you get a good swole on you need to pop that shirt off and let the ladies down the hall get a whiff of those pheromones. Let them know that there’s a slab of beef that’s pumping testosterone through the air ducts. No shame in that game.
But I guess if I were to change one thing I’d wait until I was more than a week into my new regiment and I’d already lost my gut and tits.