I Cant Stop Thinking About Tormund Drinking Giant Titty Milk

It’s late in April in the year of our beloved Lord Two Thousand and Nineteen. My mind still wanders to a story that I was told more than two days ago. You see, Tormund, a beautiful beautiful fellow was telling a story by the fire’s light for the night is dark and full of terrors. And, lest we forget, Winter is Coming.

When the handsome Tormund told his story about suckling at the teet of a giant for more than 3 months, I felt that. I felt that in my core. I felt that in my being. I felt that like I have never felt anything before.

The story made my mind race. Just how fucking big was this titty? How big was the nipple? Must have been huge to sustain a young warrior for 3 months straight.

According to my follow-on research, a Missouri Holstein cow produces nearly 24 gallons of milk per day. One would have to believe that a giant’s breast would be able to produce almost as much milk if not more than a Missouri Holstein cow. In fact, I would be shocked if a giant’s ducts weren’t swollen with more than 100 gallons of giant titty milk per day. WOW!

While writing this blog I tried to find pictures for you to demonstrate what a Giant’s breast would actually look like. It turns out that the internet is a perverted place. Disappointing. Every time I searched for “Giant Breasts” or “Giant Titties” or “Breast Feeding on Giant Tits,” porn showed up. I was disheartened by this. Aroused, but disheartened. I apologize for admitting to being aroused on the blog.

Rest easy, though. I will continue my search through pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of titty pics until I find that right one. You, dear reader, deserve that and I will not rest until I bring it to you like the skins of a direwolf to Cersi.

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