Are Bucks Fans Chanting "We Want Boston" As The #1 Seed The Mindset Of Losers?

Listen I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the Celtics are just going to walk through the Bucks. The Bucks are very good. They were the best team in the East pretty much all season long. Gianis Antuakupo is a monster. They have home-court advantage blah, blah, blah. But this is pathetic. I mean Bucks fans chanting “We Want Boston” after being Detroit? That’s so below a #1 seed in the 2nd round. That’s maybe what you chant if you’re about to win the East and are getting ready to play Golden State. That’s maybe what Philly fans would chant to motivate themselves if they played the Celtics in the East Finals trying to pump themselves up because they know they have no shot. But the Bucks in the 2nd round? Yikes. It’s really showing how inexperienced this team and this city is at winning. I’ve never been more confident in my Celtics in 6 prediction as I am right now.

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