This Really Just Sucks About Oshie, Expected To Miss "Quite Some Time" After Being Crosschecked From Behind

This just…it really, really sucks. Oshie gives everything he has on every shift in every game. The heartbeat of the team. And now he’s done, or will be out for a while, because of a gutless, spineless cross check from behind. Just brutal. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Caps fan or not, to see Oshie go down like that and leave the ice and hear coach say he’s out for “quite some time” just absolutely stinks. He’s one of the good guys. He’s what makes hockey great. And for Carolina to just throw a cheapy like that…man. I don’t even want Willy to get revenge by knocking a dude out, let’s just win this series.

Ok, and knock his ass out too.

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