Bruins Toy With the Maple Leafs And Their Fans On the Way To Tying Series At 2

The Bruins never trailed in this hockey game.  They came out of the room with jump and took it to the Leafs.  The B’s put pucks all over the net and took a commanding 5-2 lead late into the third only to allow 2 late goals to the Leafs before ripping their hearts out per usual.  This serious has all the makings of going 7 and we’ve all seen that movie before.   There is just no reason to believe Toronto can beat us when it counts.  Toronto is city that hasn’t tasted playoff success in nearly 2 decades.   It’s a city that is accustomed to losing and now they are trying to beat a city that does nothing but win.

PS – I think we saw the only Leafs fan who has actually seen a 2nd round game tonight.

Double PS – Is there any group of fans who whine for calls more than Toronto fans?

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