Mac From Always Sunny Was One Of The First Deaths In This Season Of Game of Thrones

Is Theon Greyjoy the luckiest bastard to ever live or what? He’s had to survive torture on top of torture, made bonehead decision after bonehead decision, and has scraped and clawed his dickless way all the way to the final season despite burning every bridge and crossing every ally he ever made. Well that luck almost ran out in episode 1 after he crossed paths with Mac, easily the most dangerous character he’s ever tangled with. Mac once ran up the wall with his superior lower body and core strength. He’d do it again if that stupid ice dragon didn’t blow it up.

Theon did his homework for this kill, because clearly if Mac had been able to properly assess the situation and given a proper ocular pat-down he would have given Reek the beating of a lifetime that would have made Ramsay Bolton look like Michael Bolton. If you had Mac from an entirely different television program as the first major death of the final season of Game of Thrones, congrats on winning what I can only assume is trillions of dollars for such an outlandish guess.

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