Would You Blow A Guy To Have A Threesome With Bar Refaeli and Candice Swanepoel?




So somebody tweeted me this question today. This is the most obvious answer of all time right? Of course I would. Duh. . I’d swallow and everything. And it wouldn’t even have to be Lord Lambert either. I’d blow the Sparechange Guy for christ sakes. I just don’t know how anybody would say no to this. Just close your eyes and do it. The reward is so worth it. I don’t want to turn Barstool into a juvenile romper room or anything, but lots of people were calling me gay for my answer. It just stunned me. A threesome with the 2  most beautiful women in the world?  Prison rape may be worth it.  So sucking a little dick would be the biggest no brainer in the history of earth.  And obviously Candice gets the money shot.  Sorry Bar.

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