A New Zealand Bar Has A Pint Of Guinness Ready For Steven Adams At Noon Every Day In The Offseason

[The Athletic] - Yeah, your tolerance is coming up, mate (laughs). Yeah, we get after it. I usually have a pint of Guinness after every workout, to be honest, just because I have this weird thing. After every weightlifting session; Guinness is actually very high in iron, so I literally go to the same pub on the corner back in Wellington after I workout with a sweaty ass, and I go in there. The lady knows me. She has it ready at like 12 o’clock, always. So I show up there, and then just like, ‘Get a pint, bang, smash it in like two seconds and then go have lunch. Just one. Go have lunch, then go to practice.

You’re adding to your urban legend, Steven

That’s the secret. That’s the secret, mate.

I can’t get enough Steven Adams. It seems like almost every month there’s a new story about Steven Adams coming out that just makes me love him more. This time it’s his offseason plan. Getting a pint of Guinness at the same bar at the same time every day after a workout for lunch because it’s high in iron. Might have to start using that excuse for drinking beer for lunch.

It gets even better though. Look at his answers to other drinking questions:

Are you a wine guy?

Yeah, but I’m a bit different. I’m not like a connoisseur, but just – I drink it, just because. I bloat up with beer, (and) the only beer I drink is Guinness. I never drink during the season – not at all. It’s always been just a thing of mine. But in the summer, I obviously get after it, have couple quiet ones. But usually just wine and Guinness. I don’t touch anything else.

You mix wine and beer, huh?

Yeah, it’s not smart mate. It’s not smart. Not at the same time, man. Fuck no. But you have a couple nights where it’s like, ‘Ah, might as well mate.’

Dude likes to get after it. He drinks wine and Guinness but has a couple of nights where it’s like might as well get after it. Don’t hate that theory one bit. We’ve all been there, we’re just not built like Steven Adams.

How about the bartender here though? Just willingly putting out a pint at noon every day. I feel like that only happens in places like New Zealand or Ireland. Sure, we all have our favorite bars. But, how many would leave a beer for you daily?

No word on whether or not this is why he nearly averages a double double or the fact he’s a skilled 7-footer. The best is how Adams describes everything too. He goes in there ‘with a sweaty ass.’ He ‘smashes’ the pint of Guinness and then goes to practice.

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