Questions That Have Bothered Me Forever: Does Harvey Weinstein Fuck Bitches?


So it’s Hollywood awards season again. For some reason I’m mesmerized by award shows. I watch them all. Golden Globes, SAGs, Oscars etc. I watch the red carpet, I watch the post shows, I watch it all.  And you can’t help but notice year in and year out that nobody gets more love during speeches than Harvey Weinstein. Every fucking actress basically says they owe their entire lives, career and pussies to him. He is by far the most powerful dude in Hollywood. Like if Harvey Weinstein wants to make you a star than you automatically become a star. So my question is does this guy smash chicks or what? He must right? Like yeah I know his wife is a smoke, but who cares? When the hottest women in the world will all fuck just to be put in your movie how can you turn that down? You can’t. But you never hear about him in the gossip pages or shit like that. I just refuse to believe somebody that powerful who is constantly surrounded by that many smokes doesn’t inhale pussy. Seems flat out impossible

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