Priyanka Chopra Is Here To Remind Her 24 Million Followers That The #BarstoolBestBar Finals Are Here

We’ve been through this the past week or so, but #BarstoolBestBar is the talk of Twitter thanks to The Jonas Brothers, Priyanka Chopra and Sophie Turner.

In a surprise to no one, Champs (Penn State) and Sup Dogs (ECU) advanced to the finals.

Sup Dogs took an early lead thanks to Carter Cruise:

Crazy fans:

And tugging at the heartstrings:

Sup Dogs early lead evaporated after Priyanka Chopra tweeted out to her 25 MILLION Twitter followers (India is CRAZY):

This, of course, comes after The Jonas Brothers, Chopra, and Sophie Turner ended up in Penn State last weekend:

The final wrap up tonight at 9PM.

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