The Hunt For Back To Back Cups Starts Tonight

I cannot believe it’s already been a year. The Caps winning the Cup last June and the subsequent Summer of Ovi afterwards was the greatest never-ending moment of my life, and let me tell you, it never, for even one second, ever got old. The only thing that got sort of old was the grind of the regular season. Having to do an entire 82 games before feeling the rush of the playoffs again. But now, we are finally there. And first up, Carolina.

There’s no denying the Canes are the hot team right now, up there with the Blues and Lightning as having one of the best records since the All Star Break. But I cannot in good faith sit here and tell you that I’m worried about them. Yes, that could be one of those sentences that “doesn’t age well”, but that’s just my honest to truth opinion. I wasn’t scared of Columbus last year when we were down 2-0 in the series, I wasn’t scared of the Pen when were were down 2-1, wasn’t scared of Tampa when we were down 3-2, and I wasn’t scared of Vegas after we dropped game one. So I cannot lie and say I am scared to play Carolina, who we beat twice in the last week of the regular season, pretty handily at that.

Not to say the Caps can’t show up. This is the NHL playoffs. We know anything can happen. I’ve watched the President’s Trophy Caps lose to the 8 seed. Not fun! But this Caps team looks, feels, and plays so much like last year’s. They know the grind and what it takes mentally to get to the top. And I’m so, SO ready to watch them try and do it again.

So, so glad we’re finally here. Let’s go Caps.

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