Ladies and gentlemen, today is my favorite day of the year – every year. It’s WRESTLEMANIA Day, or my Christmas.

I’ve been a wrestling fan as long as I could remember, and haven’t missed watching a WrestleMania since XIX in 2003 when I was four. I’ve cancelled a tremendous amount of plans throughout my life to ensure that I’d never miss a second of the “Show of Shows” live, and over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate enough to attend four Manias themselves, two of them for “work” here!

Even took a superkick during my first Barstool Mania Weekend that I’m still proud of…

Each and every event on the “Grandest Stage of Them All” holds at least one completely distinct memory in my mind, and I’ve cried during more than I care to admit. Well, actually, fuck it, who doesn’t cry when Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth reunite at VII?! Or when Shawn Michaels tells Ric Flair he loves him before retiring him at XXIV?! Or when Daniel Bryan’s boyhood dream comes true at XXX?! We’re all men (or women) here! We could be strong and admit it!

Today, Carrabis and I attend our first together at MetLife Stadium, and although the atmosphere of the week has been a bit different than what I’ve been used to – traveling to a new city, watching wrestling fans take complete and total control of the area, etc (something impossible to do in the NY/NJ area we’re in this year) – it’s still WrestleMania, and that still sends chills down my spine.

Every year, without fail, no matter how amazing or lackluster a build, no matter how many dream matches or duds are booked for the show, once that opening pyro hits and we get underway, I become more genuinely happy than I ever have been. It’s the same rush that goes through my body on opening night of a new ‘STAR WARS’ movie, when “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away….” hits the big screen. Sure, that may be pathetic to some, and yes, I know it’s fake…but for those who know, I think you may feel the same way. So fuck it, folks – LET’S HAVE US A WRESTLEMANIA!

Oh, and obviously…IF BECKY LOSES, WE RIOT!

If you’re interested in a WrestleMania preview before the pay-per-view gets underway, CLICK HERE for Carrabis and I’s From The Top Rope reunion on My Mom’s Basement! We’ll be hittin you with a recap right afterwards as well, available tomorrow morning!

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