Me And Clem Made A Bet On RnR Where The Loser Has To Dip For The First Time On Camera

As you might know, for RNR8 every blogger was paired up with another blogger and given a fight and an individual fighter on the card to root for. I was paired up with America’s sweetheart, Mr. Clem Report. And our fighters, well…here’s what we got.

My guy, a 5’6 smiley ass ginger who looks like he got lost on the way home from the Keebler family reunion,

will be fighting Clem’s guy, a 5’10 take no shit, camo wearing motherfucker who looks like he is late for selling weed to 7th graders.

To make things interesting, each pair of bloggers had to come up with a bet for the fight. And what genius bet did Clem and I come up with?

Neither of us has ever dipped. We see our coworkers do it nonstop, but somehow we’ve navigated life without wanting to spit black tar out of our mouths all day. We have both heard rumors of what happens when you dip for the first time…

But I’m not sure either of us are actually ready for it.

We got lots of very encouraging tweets about it, and by encouraging, I mean horror stories!

Oh boy!

Well good thing my guy is the 5’6 smiley elf and Clem’s looks like he’s just waiting to cop his next assault charge.

Though, how bad can it really be? I mean, everyone south of the Mason Dixon Line dips, and…well…I don’t really have a 180 degree spin to put on that fact. Hmm.

I think the only thing I can do now is start smoking cigs to get so addicted to nicotine to prepare. Prepare my tombstone now:

RnR 8 Fighter + Blogger Matchup Cards

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