Texas Tech Coach Chris Beard Is Counting On Drinking Beer In The Lobby At 24 Final Fours To Help Him Against Michigan State

I absolutely love Chris Beard. The dude just gets it. I mean this is exactly how you answer this question if you’re him. Oh, Tom Izzo has been to 8 Final Fours. Well, guess what? I’ve been to 24 and was drinking beer in the lobby during them. Chris Beard just jumped way up on my coaches I’d want to get a drink with list.

Beard’s story is pretty crazy. He became a Division I head coach in 2015 at Little Rock. He was there for just one year before taking over Texas Tech. He’s been successful all four years. Remember the year he was at Little Rock they beat Purdue in the first round in a crazy game. He made the Elite Eight last year. Now the Final Four this year.

Am I chalking it up to him drinking beer in the lobbies? Absolutely. That’s how business gets done. It’s not on phone calls. It’s not in the film room. It’s getting comfortable in the moment by slugging some draft beer at various cities.

If he dances like this when he’s sober and excited I need to see Beard after a few drinks:

I vote we let Beard have a draft beer on the sidelines. Make him feel more at home in the Final Four.

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