A Miami "Social Media Influencer" Gets Her Whole Family Arrested For Instagramming Her Luxury Vacations While Her Dad Makes $36K A Year

DAILY MAIL - A Miami social media influencer who flaunted designer bags and her red Lamborghini online has been arrested by Colombian authorities for her family’s alleged massive money laundering scheme.

Colombia-born Jenny Ambuila, 26, lived a lavish lifestyle in Miami frequently posting her designer digs, expensive car, and her luxury vacations in Europe on Facebook and Instagram.

But her jet-set fairy tale lifestyle came to a bitter end when she was arrested on Friday along with her father Omar Ambuila and mother Elba Chara and another customs official while on vacation in Colombia.

Prosecutors say Ambuila’s father worked as a mid-level customs officer at the Colombian sea port of Buenaventura and allegedly pocketed millions of dollars in exchange for letting untaxed goods pass into the country.

Classic Social Media Influencer move. I mean did these guys learn nothing from Fyre Fest?  You’re in the crosshairs idiots.

Here’s Miami social media influencer Jenny “Lifestyler” Ambulia’s life, as told by Instagram:

Annnnnnnd here’s her real life situation, as told by the police:

The Office of the Public Prosecutor in Colombia said Ambuila, who was the head of the Internal Work Group of Cargo control of the Dian for the past 27 years, made a monthly salary $3,000 as a ports inspector, according to El Tiempo.

Jimenez says he received at least $600,000 in bribes since 2012 in overseas payments and could have received much more.

Those illicit funds were then allegedly sent to Ambuila’s daughter to the University of Miami, where she studied from 2013 to 2017 and earned a bachelor’s degree in finance.

‘In exchange for their illicit act, these two people (Ambuila and the other official of the Dian) and other alleged accomplices would have received millionaire dividends that were hidden through front companies or were turned over to their relatives to acquire goods and services that would exceed their economic capacity,’ prosecutors said.

‘For example, the two officials did not have salaries over 6 million pesos, however, they recorded income and purchases for much higher amounts with no clarity of their origin,’ they added.

This is kind of the first rule of illegally-obtained money: be careful how much you flaunt it.  Frank Lucas taught me that.

When you’re a student at the University of Miami, and your dad is a mid-level customs officer making 3,000 bucks a month…buying a $300K Lambo Spyder gets pretty tough to explain.

Jenny lived a life of luxury frequenting stores like Gucci and Dolce&Gabanna and travelling to Milan and Paris, flaunting her ritzy trips on her Facebook and Instagram page jennylifestyler (where she has 10,000 followers), which she’s since made private.

On it she describes herself as a venture capitalize, for exchange trader, and social media influencer.

But her extravagant and flashy posts are exactly what led to speculation of her family.

Investigators looked into her social media profiles and investigated her purchases – most prominently her 2017 purchase of a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, worth more than $300,000, which she often posted on Instagram.

This is why I keep my Ferraris off Insta.  Gotta keep a low profile with the cops.

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