If Trump Shuts Down The US/Mexico Border We Could Lose Guacamole And Margaritas

Reurters - President Donald Trump’s threat to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border would hit American consumers – in the gut.

From the avocados on avocado toast, to the limes and tequila in margaritas, the United States is heavily reliant on Mexican imports of fruit, vegetables and alcohol to meet consumer demand. Nearly half of all imported U.S. vegetables and 40 percent of imported fruit are grown in Mexico, according to the latest data from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Americans would run out of avocados in three weeks if imports from Mexico were stopped, said Steve Barnard, president and chief executive of Mission Produce, the largest distributor and grower of avocados in the world.

Trump said on Friday that there was a “very good likelihood” he would close the border this week if Mexico did not stop immigrants from reaching the United States. A complete shutdown would disrupt millions of legal border crossings in addition to asylum seekers, as well as billions of dollars in trade, about $137 billion of which is in food imports.


Trump has done a lot of things that people have gotten angry about. A lotttt of things. But his supporters are always able to spin zone it and be like “well maybe it’s not so bad, because….” . This though, this could be what brings both sides of the aisle together once and for all. There’s one thing that we can all agree on, whether we are democrats or republicans- we need guacamole and we need tequila. It’s a combination that goes together like lamb and tuna fish. Imagine trying to go to a mexican restaurant and ordering chips and guac only to be told you can’t have it. Ok fine, you think to yourself, I’ll just have a margarita while I consider my other options AND YOU CAN’T HAVE THAT EITHER. I mean the entire fabric of society could fall apart.

And honestly, over the last few years, I’ve grown to absolutely love nothing more than having a marg while eating chips and guac. It’s the best at an airport bar by yourself. Just in your own zone, minding your business, pummeling the unlimited chips and throwing back airport margaritas. I don’t care if it’s just prepackaged mix, it tastes so much better at the airport

And never mind what this will do to basic betch culture. No avo toast at brunch? No skinny girl margs? Tequila Tuesdays will be canceled? Where does it end?

Look, I’m not here to talk politics. I let the politics people worry about that. But one thing is for sure, you don’t want to be the president whose legacy is taking tequila out of the hands of Americans. In some ways, the world revolves around tequila. Every bad mistake I’ve ever made has been because of tequila, and I’m better off now because of it. I’m 30 years old and I certainly don’t want to start making good decisions now.

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