While You Were Sleeping, Hansel Robles Continued His Rich Tradition Of Pointing Up At Pitches He Threw That Got Hit Into Orbit

Just like the first robin of Spring shaking its little ass tailfeather in the warm sunshine to let you know Spring is underway, the baseball season hasn’t truly begun until Hansel Robles treats an absolute no-doubt-about-it moonshot like a can of corn by pointing to the sky as his outfielder watches it appear on NASA’s radar. So I guess yesterday was the true Opening Day for the 2019 season. And what a spectacular way to kick it off with Jay Bruce launching Robles’ offering into orbit. I can only imagine how many of those bombs poor Jay had to look at not even bother moving for because he saw Robles’ hand point at the sky, thus ensuring the hit was a good old fashioned 4-bagger. Between Pete Alonso crushing his first Major League home run in a Mets win and Hansel Robles ruining a different fanbase’s night with a longball, it’s safe to say that yesterday was a good day for Mets fans and I’m going to cherish them while they last.

Speaking of Alonso, this shirt couldn’t be more fitting for that big ol’ donkey dicked, tree trunk swinging son of a bitch.

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