This Vine Of A HS Kid Playing Russian Roulette Better Be Fake Or Else I Just Shat Myself

99% chance he saw where the bullet was located before he closed the chamber or it’s just fake in general, but still. Holy shittits. Guess that’s only way to prove you’re not a pussy after taking mixed shots of Malibu Rum. And I’m not a big gun person, but is that the normal size going for a gun these days? Look at that fucking barrel. Damn thing looks like something Wile E. Coyote would whip out to shoot at the Roadrunner.

If anything his buddy needs to look for Ray Finkle and a clean pair of shorts. What, you’ve never seen someone almost blow their brains out two-feet in front of your face? Act like you’ve been there before.


Fantastic. Now I have to watch The Deer Hunter until 4am. So much for a productive Thursday. Still worth it. Great fucking flick.

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