Wake Up With Mark McGwire Making A Pitcher Physically Ill By Hitting One Out Of Dodger Stadium

You know you've hit the hell out of the ball when you make Vin Scully change his tone. Mark McGwire got all of this pitch, and Scully knew it. I mean you can't hang one like that against Big Mac and not expect him to hit it 450 feet out of a stadium, that's 100% on the pitcher for being an idiot. The ball needed some help getting out of the stadium, bouncing on top of the roof in left center before making it's way into the LA night, but it's still an impressive shot to get a ball out of there. I also love the pitcher looking like he's going to be physically ill after seeing and hearing the ball leave his bat. That is by far my favorite thing about moonshots, watching the pitchers immediately crawl into the fetal position, McGwire did that to a lot of people. Also love how he took a long look at it, gave it a nice bat toss, nothing too showboaty. An absolute bomb by the guy who looked like has a roast beef neck, I'll never get tired of seeing Big Mac swat balls into another atmosphere.

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