At Least Duke Finally Lost To Prove There's Some Good In This World

Well, luck at the end of the game can only go for 2 games apparently. This time it was a RJ Barrett missed free throw and then Cassius Winston running away from Duke to win the game. And I’ll be honest.

It feels fucking good. Did Kentucky lose? Yep. Did I fuck up? Yep.

But at least Duke lost. That proves there’s at least something good in this world. This Duke team was getting too well liked for my liking. I mean, sure, Zion is awesome. But, it’s Duke. It’s Coach K. It’s the Cameron Crazies. Fuck that. No one should ever cheer for Duke unless you’re Marty, live in New Jersey or actually went there.

So thank you Izzo. Thank you Winston. Thank you McQuaid. You made today at least a below average day.

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