Just Make Aaron Judge The Captain Right Now

So yesterday the Yankees lost to the Baltimore Orioles, a minor league baseball team. Was it my fault I brought Marty Mush to the game with me? Yes, I completely apologize for that, hand up, my bad. Obviously it’s March 31st and it’s way too early to lose sleep over a loss, unless you’re Aaron Judge. That’s a man who knows the games we let get away from us last year and knows we should beat the Orioles every single time we play them. That’s part of the reason they didn’t win the division last year. You simply cannot be losing to the O’s, period. You cannot be throwing the ball around the infield like you’re in 6th grade little league (aside from Tulo who looks awesome out there so far). When you have the bases loaded in the first inning and the pitcher is terrified to throw a strike, you need to score runs. Losses like Saturday are unacceptable.

There is a lot of Derek Jeter in Aaron Judge and I love every part of it. He wants to win over everything and he won’t tolerate losing games in March to teams that might win 50 games. If he says a March 31st game is a must win, then it’s a must win. Sometimes a loss can be a good thing. I think Saturday’s was and I expect this team to put up 15 runs today and make everyone forget about Saturday. Aaron Judge is my captain, whether it’s official or not. I feel bad for the baseballs that are being used in today’s game.

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